Screenshot Artists Video title Year
Abdoul-Ganiou Dermani Money 2014
Exclusion zone
Alexander Isaenko Exclusion zone 2015
Allan Brown Mist 2015
Its all right
Andrew Ostrikovskiy Its all right 2014
Anna Natt Goats 2013
corpo comune
Antonello Novellino corpo comune 2014
Eyes red
Antonello Novellino Eyes red 2012
Single # Double # Triple
APOTROPIA (A. Mignone & C. Panepuccia) Single # Double # Triple 2013
25 pieces of world (oil reserves)
Arya Sukapura Putra 25 pieces of world (oil reserves) 2012
City of Lights
Arya Sukapura Putra City of Lights 2013
Arya Sukapura Putra Kaaaos 2013
Ausín Saínz Black 2015
Ausín Saínz Liberty 2015
Ausín Saínz Red 2015
Lady Slaughter & Lord Savage Vegan OR Meat Mutineers
Avishai Sivan Lady Slaughter & Lord Savage Vegan OR Meat Mutineers 2015
short movie #3
Benna G. Maris short movie #3 2014
Cameron McIntyre & Jeff Iorillo Witness 2015
Charlie Mars #CABD22 2015
A love story: between the strait
Chun-yu Liu A love story: between the strait 2015
RAM_city (1000 screens)
claRa apaRicio yoldi RAM_city (1000 screens) 2014
Starry Starry Night
claRa apaRicio yoldi Starry Starry Night 2014
Stability tests
Cristina Pavesi Stability tests 2015
Stability tests #2
Cristina Pavesi Stability tests #2 2015
Dénes Ruzsa Footprints 2015
Diego Pazó Maps 2015
aXolotl's Happiness
Diego Ramirez aXolotl's Happiness 2014
The Wind Here is Always Soothing
Draga Jovanovic The Wind Here is Always Soothing 2014
Eden Mitsenmacher Seagull 2015
One day
Eradzh Nidoev One day 2015
Tartlets and devils
Eugenia Gortchakova Tartlets and devils 2014
Evguenia Men Conflict 2014
Miragem (Mirage)
Joaquim Pavão Miragem (Mirage) 2014
A minha casinha (My little house)
Maria Raquel Atalaia A minha casinha (My little house) 2014
Foi o fio (Once upon a thread)
Patrícia Figueiredo Foi o fio (Once upon a thread) 2014
65_2 Cape Mongo (Paper)
Francois Knoetze 65_2 Cape Mongo (Paper) 2015
La toute-puissance des rythmes (Omnipotence rhythms. )
Gabriel Otero La toute-puissance des rythmes (Omnipotence rhythms. ) 2014
Aus heiterem Himmel
Irene Cruz Aus heiterem Himmel 2013
Die Stille [The Silence]
Irene Cruz Die Stille [The Silence] 2014
IrIs 2.0
Isabella Gresser IrIs 2.0 2015
SELF dissplayed
Isabella Gresser SELF dissplayed 2015
First person shooter
Jean-Michel Rolland First person shooter 2012
La course
Jean-Michel Rolland La course 2013
The Waldgeist & Me
Joe Bichard The Waldgeist & Me 2014
Joel Nuru Maya 2015
Juan Alonso & Nicolás Rico Rojas Colombia 2014
K.E.R.O.S.E.N.E poems from the planet
Jukka-Pekka Jalovaara K.E.R.O.S.E.N.E poems from the planet 2014
The Oneness
Karolina Nieduza The Oneness 2015
De Farol
La Intrusa De Farol 2014
Cofee Creatures
Marta Daeuble Cofee Creatures 2014
Marta Daeuble Echo 2013
Maternidad Salvaje (Savage Motherhood)
Marta Solano Maternidad Salvaje (Savage Motherhood) 2014
The Elevator
Michael O’Donnell The Elevator 2014
Panoramic City Performance
Michalina Kostecka Panoramic City Performance 2014
Film for imaginary music
Mikhail Basov & Natalia Basova Film for imaginary music 2014
Mila Panic Symmetry 2014
Je vais où je suis / I’m going where I am
Muriel Montini Je vais où je suis / I’m going where I am 2014
Les chemins bleus / The Blue Paths
Muriel Montini Les chemins bleus / The Blue Paths 2015
Hello Stranger 
My name is Scot Hello Stranger  2015
Natalia Lopatina Queen 2015
Summer 2014
Oleg Chorny Summer 2014 2014
A Mushroom Trip
Olga Guse A Mushroom Trip 2014
Decadence of Nature
Olga Guse Decadence of Nature 2014
Nudo de nodos
Paul Barrios Nudo de nodos 2012
Tres tiempos
Paul Barrios Tres tiempos 2012
Paulo d'Alva Carrotrope 2013
Written only
Paweł Stasiewicz Written only 2015
Mist Bridge
Polya Moshenska Mist Bridge 2014
The New Anatolia
Şinasi Güneş The New Anatolia 2015
The true King
Siro The true King 2015
Slawomir Milewski Self 2014
Still cant show u the face
Slawomir Milewski Still cant show u the face 2014
Smart Songdo Song
Sylvia Winkler & Stephan Koeperl Smart Songdo Song 2014
Thibault Jehanne Eclipse 2014
de ten te (don´t move)
VictorI Ripoll de ten te (don´t move) 2014
Losing The Thread
Vivian Ostrovsky Losing The Thread 2014
História de um guarda-chuva vermelho (The story of a red umbrella)
Xacobe Meléndrez Fassbender História de um guarda-chuva vermelho (The story of a red umbrella) 2014
Ask the time
Yamil Quintana Ask the time 2015

Façade is a project of Art Today Association - Center for Contemporary Art – Plovdiv, The Ancient Bath